About Me and My Blog

Have tried blogging previously but life got in the way - instead of recording it I stopped posting. This time it will be different - I hope.

I am married; we have two children who have now both left home to make their own way in life. We have one grandchild.

I had a career in various roles in the technical operations side of radio & tv broadcasting. After redundancy I arranged a mid-life career change to IT by attending university as a mature student to study computer science, in which I achieved a second class honours degree.

Working in IT I quickly realised that I was not suited to programming related roles but found a niche in documentation.

After three more redundancies and being near retirement age and being unable to face another round of job applications and interviews I decided to call it a day. Retired now, I walk a lot with our border collie, read a lot, and waste a lot of time messing with computers.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog.